

interface ByteOrder {
	uint8(data: Uint8Array, offset: number): number;
	uint16(data: Uint8Array, offset: number): number;
	uint32(data: Uint8Array, offset: number): number;
	uint64(data: Uint8Array, offset: number): bigint;
	putUint8(target: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): void;
	putUint16(target: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): void;
	putUint32(target: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): void;
	putUint64(target: Uint8Array, value: bigint, offset: number): void;


  • uint8(): Converts the first 1 byte from the offset to an integer. Throws a TypeError if there isn't enough bytes.
  • uint16(): Converts the first 2 bytes from the offset to an integer. Throws a TypeError if there isn't enough bytes.
  • uint32(): Converts the first 4 bytes from the offset to an integer. Throws a TypeError if there isn't enough bytes.
  • uint64(): Converts the first 8 bytes from the offset to an integer. Throws a TypeError if there isn't enough bytes.
  • putUint8(): Puts the binary representation of the integer to the first 1 byte from the offset. Throws a TypeError on insufficient space in target and invalid value.
  • putUint16(): Puts the binary representation of the integer to the first 2 byte from the offset. Throws a TypeError on insufficient space in target and invalid value.
  • putUint32(): Puts the binary representation of the integer to the first 4 byte from the offset. Throws a TypeError on insufficient space in target and invalid value.
  • putUint64(): Puts the binary representation of the integer to the first 8 byte from the offset. Throws a TypeError on insufficient space in target and invalid value.